Saturday, the first day of the Memorial weekend.

27 mei 2017 - Columbus, Ohio, Verenigde Staten

mBeautiful weather, beautiful day. We drove to Queens, to the Corona Park, a big park between two highways. The park is a place for walking and sporting. There are a lot of playgrounds for football, soccer, tennis etc.

In the part Flushing Maedows in the park is a beautiful copy from our Earth, our World, the "Unisphere". See the photo's.

Our next visit was the Brooklyn Park in Brooklyn. It was very croudy. The boats were coming and going. They were cueïng up for tickets....  we walked around and were surprised to see a water monument from Anish Kapoor. A big centrifuge, with a great power... amazing. You can see a video on my FB page because I was placing already the maxi number videos on this blog .

There were a lot of restaurants, but with so many tourists..... the most were full and people were waiting. We found a restaurant without waiting people....   so, we placed ourselfs on the last table outsite. They give the menu and the winelist....... we took the decision to search an other restaurant in the centre of Brooklyn. The cheapest bottle was $ 75,-........

In the centre, we found an Texian grill. It was nice to be back in Texas for a moment.

After this adventure we walked a bit around in the centre, a nice atmosphere.

Back by the car, we drove to the coffee shop from our Alfredo. It was a very nice visit. Normaly is the Saturday the most crowdy day, but now, the Memorial weekend, was it nice that he could recieve us. We had a Fantastic moment with him. We made the appointment to go out the next day, Sunday. 

We had the dinner in the hotel, with a good bottle. 

We drove 62 mls = 92 km and we walked 7,4 km.


4 Reacties

  1. Lya:
    28 mei 2017
    Vrek met je opstappen omdat de wijn te duur is :) :) :)
  2. Angela:
    28 mei 2017
    Mooie foto's weer!!!
  3. Anneke:
    28 mei 2017
    Weert veel gezien en mooie foto's gemaakt.
    P.S. Leuke reactie van Lya.
  4. Corinne GATEAU:
    28 mei 2017
    Je regarde tous les jours ! Que de bons moments ! Des retrouvailles avec des amis, de belles visites ! Des parcs splendides ! Quel merveilleux voyage !
    La bouteille à 75$ ! Ah oui quand même ! Valait mieux changer de restaurant ! Mais je pense que le vin aurait pu être bon !
    La vidéo sur Facebook est superbe vraiment !
    Ici, pas de pluie mais 37° ! Alors on profite de la plage !
    Bonne route ! À très vite !
    On vous embrasse très fort